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Driver Education 2020 – The Drive

Name: Ruben Mendoza
From: San Francisco , CA
Votes: 0

The Drive


is a part of our daily lives that we can not live with out. Our way
to get around is different for everyone and how we get around is as
well. Some of us take highways or streets, we also make long or short
distances. Every time we get into a vehicle and what determines how
we get home is composed of different variables. The only variable we
can control is ours.

minute we hit the road we are open to many liabilities whether we
like it or not. We leave what happens to us to a bit of luck and
unfortunate event. We are open to other drives who can be as careful
as a surgeon on an operating table. On the other had there’s people
who are reckless kike a teen given the keys to dads sports car. What
they have in common is with out the proper knowledge of road safety
they are both likely to cause or be in an accident.

have spent the last year driving back and forth from Palm springs to
Pasadena as my lovely daily commute. I have witnessed number of
accidents caused by both these drives as well as others. Picture the
guy driving under freeway limit when you have full traffic going
about 70 miles per hour and wants to travel at 55 miles because he
wants to be a safe driver. What this driver doesn’t know is he is
not only a danger for him but others as well. He can cause people to
slam on their brakes entering a corner because there is now this
roadblock that’s not traveling at the same speed. He causes the
other driver to swerve around if free makes it out with out hitting
someone but if not smacks into the back of this slower driver or
someone in the next lane. If this driver new he should be driving at
limit and flow of traffic any tragedy can be saved.

the same rules can be applied to the driver who is reckless and is
not obeying traffic rules. They can also be as harmful. If you have
ever experienced someone who drives like this, you first say what is
wrong with that person. Truth is everyone is different some people
drive like that for pleasure, emergency, bad day, etc. If you ever
taken a road any where and had close calls because you were merging
lane and didn’t see some one inn your blind spot and as you merge
suddenly a car appears you lose a little bit of control in your
vehicle and catch it and this individual just fly’s by you not
caring and sometimes you get an unexpected message out the window.
This same driver after speeding and a few minutes later you happen to
see get into an accident because he has caught the flow of traffic
and didn’t have a way out and ends up either behind a car, in a
wall on a side walk or wore wrapped around a pole. Knowing and taking
consent of traffic laws and violations that can happen to someone who
drives like this comes from experience because they almost get hurt
or hurt someone. Having knowledge of how to properly handle your
vehicle and out come if you don’t is very important.

only thing we can do behind the wheel is try and look out for not
only ourselves and loved ones traveling with us, but the other people
sharing the road. They are also someone’s loved one daughter,
father, mother, grandma, cousin, etc. For example, putting down cell
phones there’s always close calls of people almost hitting others
for messing with phone. You can also not drink and drive which
knowing how bad and the consequence that are severe for doing this
offense. We can also respect road signs and please not engage in
doing monkey see monkey do. Because one or the other always ends up
getting into trouble. There is one suggestion that has crossed my
mind after being board for 3 hours plus getting in home from work.

of systems that can communicate in cars with each other can possibly
help reduce human error and avoid accidents and change the way we use
transportation. The biggest cause of traffic is speed between
vehicles. I have experienced them firsthand pockets of slowed down
traffic for no reason causing braking and not having nothing to slow
them down in front. If there was some ways our cars would communicate
with each other in a way they can aid drives to set a pace would
help. Being in the automotive industry there are a huge amount of
safety features now offered in vehicles this can help with that
because they have setting based on rules and laws that help when you
there is some human error. Like intelligent cruise control or even
brake assist the list is endless but what these systems share is that
they both prevent you from crashing into a vehicle in front of you
regardless of speed by slamming brakes or gently reducing your speed
to avoid the vehicle in front. If there was a way for the intelligent
cruise controls to communicate with other vehicles and GPS to a
certain location in which all you had to do was steer this a way that
could help with some of our road issues we see daily.

conclusion the way we choose to travel can determine the way our
drive ends up. It can be a quick drive or one someone doesn’t come
back from because that is what we are trying to avoid. I have learned
that to have the privilege of being in driver seat you need to have
patients and be aware of what is happening around you because you
have the control to get out of the way slowdown and also prevent
someone from having a bad day. That is why being and educated can
prevent from your drive to be your last.