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Driver Education 2020 – The Road to Safer Highways: “Tired of Reckless Driving”

Name: Colin Phoebe
From: Evergreen, Colorado
Votes: 0

The Road to Safer Highways: “Tired of Reckless Driving”

not been in a vehicle accident myself, I can only speak on behalf of
others’ experiences. Several of my friends have fallen victim to
vehicle accidents since they obtained their licenses, most of which
were due to unsafe driving habits, either their own or another’s.
One such friend has totalled two cars in just one year due to his own
actions; he would drive himself and his brother home down a windy
road, going 60 in a 30 zone—it’s not difficult to see his neglect
of driving regulations. Another friend failed to see a red light
ahead of her at an intersection she was approaching at 50 mph, and
was nearly tailboned by another car going the same speed, so it’s
fortunate she is still alive.

education is vital to learning the fundamentals of driving. However,
there is little drivers ed can actively do to prevent
reckless driving after a student has received their license.
Therefore, keeping the roads safe from reckless driving is up to
family, friends, and every driver on the road.

that can be taken to reduce highway deaths might include parents
promising stricter punishment for their teenager’s reckless
driving; or they could inform their children of the increased rate of
insurance that would come with their unsafe driving, to administer a
monetary incentive. It would be important for all drivers to respect
the right of way of other drivers, so as to lessen cases of accidents
due to road rage. Also, many deaths are caused by lack of rest/sleep,
and such lack of sleep is most often the result of overworked
students or employees; so, schools and workplaces should make the
effort to reduce the load of stress and active hours of their

myself, am admittedly not always as safe as perhaps I should be. That
should not discredit me, but rather, I’ve learned from my own
mistakes and can therefore be more aware of what I, and others, can
do to be safer on the road. For example, giving myself enough time to
get to my destination is of course something everyone, including
myself, can work on. As well, when leaving a public event at which
alcohol is provided—not that I go to parties anyway—, no one
should be afraid to ask for a ride home if they are intoxicated, as,
drunk driving is by far one of the most reckless forms of driving.

would like to see less vehicle deaths due to reckless driving. I do
not feel okay with myself, family, or friends driving with unsafe
drivers, and I feel even less okay if they are the ones being unsafe.