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Driver Education 2020 – The importance of Drivers Education

Name: Cassandra Foy
From: Kirkland, Washington
Votes: 0

The importance of Drivers ed

importance of Drivers ed

believe that drivers ed should be essential to getting a
driver’s license. I currently live in Washington state where you do
not require drivers ed to get a license if you are 18 or
over. However, if you want to start learning at 15½ or 16, you must
enroll into drivers ed. I am fortunate enough to have never
been in a car accident. Although, I have experienced times where my
friend was being very irresponsible. He was driving and I was in the
passenger’s seat, we were at a red light in a turn lane second to
the front of the line in the middle of a busy city. Once the light
turned green the car in front of us wasn’t paying attention and
wasn’t moving. Instead of honking the horn to let the car in front
know that the light was green, my friend decided to cut him off and
drive in front of him. It wasn’t until my friend realized that
there were cars on the opposite side also turning into the same lane
as us. So, we had to swerve the car in order to avoid crashing. It
was a very scary moment, but we were very lucky.

though I wasn’t driving that day, I have now become very vigilant
when driving. Something I have noticed when younger people start to
drive is that once they get their license, they start to become a
little overconfident and think they are the best drivers. They
believe that nothing will happen to them. On the contrary, Teenagers
are more likely to get into car accidents because of their careless
and reckless behavior. There are many deaths due to reckless and
irresponsible drivers each year. Drivers ed will teach people the
rules of the road and teach them to be aware of their surroundings
and to be more cautious.

of the biggest issues on the road today is distracted driving. The
biggest cause of accidents on the road is because of cell phones.
One-way drivers ed helps keep people on the roads safe and reduce
deaths on the roads is to explain to their students how dangerous
texting and driving is. When I was in drivers ed, the course talked a
lot about this subject. So, now when I drive, I make a conscious
decision to leave my phone alone even if I get a notification.