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Driver Education 2020 – To Drive Safely is to Choose Life

Name: Demili Pichay
From: Broomfield, CO
Votes: 0

To Drive Safely is to Choose Life

said, “Learn as if you were not reaching your goal and as though
you were scared of missing it.” The quality of drivers ed
received makes the difference between life and death. Confucius’
words are wise, especially in the application of a driver’s safety,
because when one has the prerogative to drive as if they were scared
to miss a single point, that is when the safest drivers are bred.

can still recall my days in my driver’s permit class. I remember
being fifteen, restless, and utterly impatient to begin my driving
days, as I listened to instructors talk about the rules of the roads.
However, most vividly, I remember the tragedies. The stories told to
us about those students who never graduated due to a reckless
decision. Of those who lost their loved one’s forever because of
another’s decision to drive while intoxicated. These stories were
devastating, heartbreaking, and stories I never wanted to turn into
realities again. Drivers ed has the ability to show what
can result from recklessness and a lack of education. Moreover, it
teaches students to drive properly, preventing tragedies. Steps that
can be taken to reduce the number of deaths due to driving require an
exceptional drivers ed. Once a student has received proper
mentoring, they have the tools necessary to be a safe driver on the
road. One needs to be aware of the power they possess when they step
behind the wheel of a vehicle, and use this power to guarantee the
safety of others.

I have experienced being in a car accident before. I was seven, and
while in the backseat of my father’s car, we bumped the car in
front of us at a stoplight, as we were rear-ended by the car behind
us, yet only due to the fact that the car behind him had not been
paying attention and did not stop. Thinking back to this experience,
I am able to see how many people can be affected by one driver’s
reckless decisions. In this accident, four cars were affected, with
multiple people inside, as a result of the fourth car’s
irresponsible decision. While no one was severely hurt, many were
affected, and matters could have been much worse.

reflection of this instance and other stories that I have heard, I
vow to take the following steps in order to be a better and safer
driver, as well as help others become safer on the road. I will give
the road and the others driving around me my full attention, as to
insure that I am not risking the lives of others and others are not
risking mine. I will make sure that there are not any distractions in
my car, and that I am not even touching my phone. Most importantly, I
will act as a role model and encourage others to practice the same
habits, in order to keep themselves, as well as others on the road,
safe on the road.