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Driver Education 2020 – Dangerous Weapon

Name: Enrique Oviedo
From: San Clemente, California
Votes: 0

Dangerous Weapon

I first started to get my permit and before taking my drivers test,
my parents and people closest to me would always tell me that a car
is a weapon. I never truly understood what they meant by this until I
got behing the wheel for the first time. Before I was able to take my
drivers test, I had to take drivers ed, which I believe is the most
important thing we can do. Drivers ed teaches young drivers the
proper way to drive a car and always stay on the defensive side when
driving cause you never know what the person who is driving the car
next to you might do. This can reduce not only the number of
accidents but also the number of deaths that come from these
accidents, because you will be playing it safe no matter what the
circumstances are. Some steps that may be taken to reduce the number
of deaths is that the first thing you should do when entering a car
is put on your seatbelt. A seat belt can save your life. Anoher step
is always follow the speed limit. They are there for a reason. I know
when young drivers first get their license they like to go fast and
they don’t think of the consequences. Now I can go on and on about
following the laws of road safety but everyone knows the law, but
it’s about how we enforce them upon ourselves that will truly prove
what kind of driver we are.

I was thirteen years old, I lost my older brother in a terrible car
accident when he was only twenty-two years old. During this time, I
was sad, angry, and constantly had tons of other emotions going
through my head throughout the day. This took a huge toll on me since
he was closer to me than most of my other siblings. He truly was an
older brother that I looked up too. This is why when my Aunt and
Uncle sat me down on the couch in the living room on October 28, 2015
and told me the tragic news that my brother had passed away the night
before, I couldn’t stop crying. As I cried it seemed like the tears
on my face could fill a river and felt like someone was stabbing my
heart. I remember wishing this was all a dream and hoping I would
just wake up and everything would be fine, but it wasn’t. This was
my first experience dealing with someone close to me that had been in
a car accident. The second time was myself experiencing it. On
February 13, 2020 I was rushing home from hanging with my friends. It
was 10:20 and my curfew was 10:30 and so I wasn’t thinking about
anything else except I needed to rush home, but that was my first
mistake. I was speeding and hit a dip in the road and lost control of
my car and went straight into a tree. I ended up totalling my car and
was sent to the hospital. I ended up luckily only having minor
injuries and made it out of this okay. What I have remembered from
this is to always be safe and never risk anything when driving. Drive
on the defensive side and always follow the laws when it comes to
driving cuase they are there to save your life, and remember your car
is a weapon.