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Driver Education 2020 – Life is precious, so don’t waste it due to reckless driving

Name: Thea Le
From: Storrs, Connecticut
Votes: 0

Life is precious, so don’t waste it due to reckless driving

is precious, so don’t waste it due to reckless driving

and Independence, those were the reoccurring themes that traveled
through my head as I went through driving school. The ability to not
rely on my parents or a friend in the instance that I needed
something. The first steps in me becoming an adult, eligible for
myself. But then it dawned on me, this privilege comes with
responsibilities of not endangering myself or those around me.
Driving school is meant to teach about how to use automotive and how
to be responsible with them. Every accident was either due to lack of
awareness or lack of care when driving. Several thousand people die
each year due to careless driving and misprioritization. These deaths
were avoidable if proper driving safety had occurred. The rules to
the road are set in place to preserve life in the usage of
automotive. If everyone were to comply the laws set in place,
accidents would be impossible. The rebels and outlaws that refuse to
comply will cause issues, but ultimately it starts with me and you
making a change. As a child, I was a part of an accident with my
father and brother. My father lost attention to the road for just a
moment and ended up rear ending a semi-truck. Luckily, none of us
were injured, but it shows that it only takes an instance for tragedy
to occur. That moment taught me how easy it was to get into an
accident unknowingly. If we had been traveling a little bit faster or
hit the truck at a different angle, one of us could have been
seriously injured or even worst, killed. However, what about those
who are injured outside the vehicle, pedestrians. Do we classify it
as bad luck or wrong place, wrong time and just move on with our
daily lives? An innocent civilian could be deprived of life because
they were walking home ready to be greeted by their spouse and
children. The actions of one person could ultimately determine the
fates of someone else’s for the rest of their life. Imagine the
sorrow and misery that a family would feel to hear that their love
one won’t be able to make it to dinner tonight. To make driving
more safe, better habits need to be practiced and applied. Each of
the rules set in the rule book are there because they represent a
purpose regardless of how ridiculous some may seem. Everyone should
refine their knowledge of driving hazards. Hazards lie beyond other
vehicles and pedestrians. They also apply to animals, buildings,
obstacles and more. the safest drivers are always wary about
themselves and those around them, even the ones they can’t directly
see. If we want to make driving safer for everyone, each one of us
needs to play their part in something greater than ourselves. all
each one of us is strong, but together our cause is inevitable.