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Driver Education 2020 – A Blink Of An Eye

Name: Julisha Biggs
From: Omaha, Nebraska
Votes: 0

A Blink Of An Eye

Blink Of An Eye

not just a car it’s someone else’s dream.” -Jimi Hendrix.
Growing up everyone around me was in such a hurry to be able to learn
how to drive and get their license, but people fail to forget how one
wrong turn you can ruin someone’s life in a blink of an eye. We
become so excited to be able to have more freedom by having a car and
able to go anywhere without having to get a ride, that we forget the
dangers that come with this huge responsibility. I personally believe
that schools and jobs should increase teaching and talking about how
each year the deaths from car accidents consistently goes up.

reduce the number of deaths from car accidents, I believe the problem
starts with how many people fail to wear seat belts while they are
driving to places. Seat belts help lower your chances of dying or
getting critically hurt when involved in an accident. Also, to reduce
the problem we need to become more harsh on who we let get behind the
wheel. I strongly encourage making the driver test a lot more
complicated and difficult to make sure we have the best people
mentally and physically behind the wheel of a car.

2018, my friends and I were involved in a really bad car crash. My
friend happened to be strongly under the influence. That car crash
caused 2 of my other friends to get seriously injured and one of them
almost died during a surgery. Ever since that day I make sure that
whoever is driving the car is 110% sober and is physically able to
drive us to wherever safely. Since then, I’m always anxious about
getting into a car with just about anyone because you never know when
you blink your eyes in the car how quickly your life could end up

steps that I can take to become a more safe driver is to always make
sure I and whoever else is in the car with me has their seat belts on
while the car is running. Also, to be safer I can make sure to not
have unnecessary distractions by me that can cause me to stop looking
at the road. Most importantly, make sure that whoever is driving the
car is sober and not under the influence in any way, shape or form.
We have to always think about how anyone would feel if we hit their
close ones or was the reason their loved ones in the car died or came
to be in critical condition.