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Driver Education Initiative – Driver Safety on the Road

Name: Jenna Louise Baker
From: Orange Grove, Texas
Votes: 0

safety is huge problem in the United States, which should not be as
big of an issue as it is. America has one of the highest death rates
of drivers on the road than any other country in the world. The total
of car accidents, deadly or not, a year is staggering. Every time I
drive into the nearest city to my place of living I see at least one
car accident or hear of a car accident on my local news. At least
once every couple of weeks I hear about a fatal car accident that
occurred near or around the area I reside in. The importance of
improved or amended drivers ed could show a significant change
in the car accident rates in the United States. Other countries make
it more difficult for their citizens to obtain their drivers license.
If the United States would make obtaining a license more difficult
and drivers’ education more intense there would be less accidents
across the country. With more intense and stricter drivers ed
in the United States we could reduce accidents quite a bit. Even if
we went as far to start sending people to college or to get specific
schooling to only learn how to educate people properly and thoroughly
on driving. With this there could also be more steps implemented to
reduce death rates. As I have said before they could make obtaining a
license more rigorous, educate instructors to a higher level to allow
more proper and thorough teachings, or even amend the way driver
education is taught all together.

have had plenty of family members drive irresponsibly, mostly driving
at high speeds, which is an endangerment to other drivers lives. High
speeds have killed one of my closest family friends and has injured
many more. Every one of them had been operating the vehicle when that
happened. I was not in the car at these times, but they are car
accidents and irresponsible driving that has been and effected my

Some steps I could take to be a
better driver is to use cruise control whenever possible, especially
in zones where the speed limit is higher than 70 miles per hour. I
could listen to the music lower as a driver in case anyone honks or
my car makes a strange noise. I could also educate more people on
what I was taught in drivers’ education. I remember a lot of useful
facts from the course and try to inform people of them when they do
not know a certain traffic law. I could inform people on what they
could improve in their driving while on the road to help prevent them
or others from getting hurt. Helping teach some of my family members
who weren’t lucky enough to take a drivers’ course what they
should and shouldn’t while on the road. Give constructive criticism
and nudges in the right direction on how to become a safer driver for
themselves and others around them.