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Driver Education Initiative – Attention all drivers

Name: Ruth Esther Jean-Baptiste
From: Ocoee, FL
Votes: 0

Counting down the days till you turn sixteen, so you can finally get
your license. One of the most memorable moments of your teenage life.
The ultimate form of liberation, the coming of age, and the
additional power you long for. While you gain all the positive
aspects of driving you also gain a massive responsibility. My name is
Ruth Jean Baptiste, I plan on attending Florida State University to
get my degree in digital media production and I dream to work at
Netflix. Cars have always been a mystery to me, how can a 4,000 ton
car feel so light. And how can it be so deadly when millions rely on
it for transportation. Car deaths have been dropping every year but
they are still way to high. Reducing the number of deaths should be
our number one priority.

begins with drivers ed. This course whether online or in
person should not only teach the important rules of the road but also
help new drivers understand the risk they take every time they ignite
the car. About 40,000 people died from a crash far too many people
have died in the last year. If everyone knew the high risk of death
in any motor vehicle we would be able to cultivate a safer road
environment. Driving education should promote healthy habits of
operating vehicle. This should include refraining from touching any
form of technology after you have started driving. keeping the volume
low, checking all sides, and wearing your seatbelt. About 47% of car
accidents deaths are because drivers or passengers weren’t wearing
a seatbelt. But most importantly making sure you’re not too tired
to drive the bottom line is drive like your life depends on it.

I have experienced a very scary situations that could have turned
serious. The first time that I noticed that driving is dangerous was
when I was nine, my mom had to pick us up from school and she was
tired from working an all-nighter she accidently ran a red light when
another car was coming from the opposite direction. That day I was
sure I would die my little life flashed before my eyes after that day
I have always checked on any driver to make sure that they were okay
to drive. This experience taught me just how feeble both we and our
cars are. To be a better and safer driver, I will be a role model in
conducting safe driving behavior. I

will set an example
to others by following the steps and tips to ensure our collective
safety. Together, we can work on our driving to make crashes an