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Driver Education Initiative – Drivers Education IS Important

Name: Julia Bright
From: Baytown, TX
Votes: 0


5, 2019

Education IS Important

all been through the struggle of the never ending drivers ed courses.
They take forever, and yes, more than half of it seems like common
knowledge. But if we already know the information the courses teach
us, why do we not follow certain guidelines?

main point of drivers ed is to teach you the rules of the
road, before getting behind the wheel you need to know what the signs
mean and how to correctly multitask while driving, like being able to
watch things like your speed, for pedestrians, or other cars. When
taking these courses they explain signs like school zones or
pedestrian crossings. These are very important to know, if you aren’t
aware of when to slow down or be more cautious it can be very
dangerous. You could possibly even hit someone. That is not the only
thing to worry about, there are many other cars on the road and you
never know who is driving the car next to you. They could like to
speed or cut people off. Drivers ed courses do a great job
explaining how to check your surroundings and that could really save
you from getting in accidents. These are not the only ways to cause
deaths while driving, but drivers ed teaches you the rules of
the roads and it helps to decrease the number of deaths as a result
of driving.

need to become aware of the numbers of deaths due to driving. I
believe people brush it off because they never believe it will happen
to them but it is always a huge possibility anytime you get into a
car. The number of deaths on the road every year should speak for
that. If everyone was more aware I think we would all use more
caution. Also, having more consequences for bad driving habits could
reduce the number of deaths. For example, if someone gets pulled over
texting and driving they should have to do some kind of course that
shows them why it is so dangerous.

been in the car with people who do not practice safe driving habits.
I should say something but I would rather not make them mad. I’ve
watched my mom drive my whole life and she always responds to text
messages or talks on the phone. I never would have thought to tell
her it was wrong but she admitted that her most recent wreck was
caused because she was on her phone texting right before it happened.
So in all honesty, if you see someone not following the correct
driving rules you should speak up because it could save a life.

again, I understand that it is easier to skip through your drivers
education courses and not pay attention. But please realize, they are
incredibly important they can help keep you safe on the road as well
as others. Drivers ed can be a lifesaver.