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Driver Education Initiative – Drivers education reducing road deaths

Name: Madison Morris
From: Scottsdale , Az
Votes: 0

When it comes to
reducing road deaths and/or accidents drivers ed should be the
priority.Before anybody is allowed to get on the road they should be
required to complete state required drivers ed hours.Also drivers ed
should not only be about how to drive and actually driving, a very
important part of learning to drive and being able to drive
successfully is knowing what is safe to have in the car and/or being
doing in the car.One key lesson to teach is texting and driving and
even looking at your phone while driving.It only takes a second to
get distracted and be in an accident and in that case you could be
hurt or killed, and you are putting others in danger.Some important
steps that need to be taken is all phones need to be put on do not
disturb while driving this is an application on certain phones that
keep phones from giving notification alerts which keep distractions
to a minimum when the driver cannot hear the alerts.The second very
important step to reduce road accidents and deaths is hands free
devices when making phone calls while driving you should not be
holding the phone you should have two hands on the wheel.So every
driver should be required to have some sort of hands free devices in
their car at all times and only use that to answer phone calls.I have
never personally been in a car accident but I have seen many of my
peers driving irresponsibly many of them being distracted by their
phones.Some steps I can take and my peers can take to become better
more responsible drivers is making sure all electronic devices are
out of sight and phone calls are only taken on hands free
devices.Something that is always very important is making sure the
music is never too loud to where the driver is distracted and cannot
hear what is going on around them.Some states already have required
drivers ed hours but it should become law that each and every state
has a required set of hours. States with inclimate whether should
require a certain amount of the required hours to be driven in snow,
sleet and rain.