Name: Briana Castaneda
From: Las Vegas, Nevada
Votes: 0
my opinion I believe the importance of drivers ed teaches those
preparing to drive to understand and gain the knowledge of the road
and the rules. Another significant importance is those receiving the
education gain the understanding of how to safely operate a vehicle
during the day or night. With this information drivers will keep
themselves safe while driving and also keeping those on the street
safe as well. The number one cause of deaths is being intoxicated
while driving. Some steps that can be taken to reduce the number of
deaths related to driving is to be the responsible adult you should
be. Those who go out to celebrate a special occasion and know that
there will be drinking, they should no their limits or not drink at
all. Another way to reduce the number of deaths is to find a loyal
friend that will be by your side whenever you drink if you ever need
a ride back home and to make sure your safe. I myself have never been
in a car accident but I have had a family member be involved in one.
My sister was the one who was involved but in my opinion I don’t
believe it was her fault. It happened because of a two way street
combining into a one way street. My sister was on the side that goes
straight towards to combining road and there was an on-coming car
coming towards her at a fast speed and wanting to turn into the road
she was in. The opposite care starting breaking to go at the same
speed as the others when my sister crashed into them when the hit the
brakes. The result of the accident left my sister with a few bruises
here and there but she had a huge one on her lower abdomen. Steps I
can personally take to be a better and safer drive is to pay close
attention to the roads around me and to make sure I’m in a good
condition to drive so I can keep myself and others safe from any
mistake I could make.