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Driver Education Initiative – Life Saver

Name: Ruby Piña
From: Valley Center , California
Votes: 0


society has lost many people do to traffic collisions. According to
the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration just last year we
lost 36, 750 people in traffic crashes. This group of people is made
up of parents, grandparents, friends, etc. Drivers ed is
important not because it helps acquire a permit but because it
provides information on how to be a safe driver. Drivers ed
also provides new drivers with the information of what unsafe driving
looks like. By providing the two sides new drivers will know the
difference between unsafe and safe driving. Just by being a safe
driver the number of deaths caused by traffic collisions would
diminish. Drivers ed is a helpful tool which helps reduce the
number of deaths that are caused by traffic crashes.

reduce the number of deaths related to driving there should be
stricter laws put in place for drunk driving. According to the NHTSA
“Every day, almost 30 people in the United States die in
drunk-driving crashes”. As shown drunk driving is an issue that
claims many deaths. If stricter laws were put in place drivers would
be less likely to drink and drive . Another step that could be taken
to reduce the number of deaths is stricter laws on phones while
driving. Over the past few years technology has become a huge part
of our lives. That is why there has been a increase of deaths caused
when drivers use their phone. If stricter laws were put in place on
this issue many lives would be saved. These two things are part
several things which can reduce deaths related to driving society
just has to enforce them.

am fortunate enough to say that I have never been in a car accident.
But, my cousin passed away because of drunk driving accident. He was
just coming back from work and sitting on the passenger side when a
drunk driver hit the car he was in . His loss devastated my family.
This showed me the importance of being a safe driver. And also
demonstrated the lack of strict laws for drunk driving.

of the steps I can take to be a better driver is turn on the “Do
Not Disturb” on my phone. This would help me against using my
phone while driving. This would also impact the likelihood of
causing a accident. Another, important step that will make me a
better driver is obeying speed limits. Speed limits keep us safe and
avoid accidents that is why obeying them causes less accidents.
Lastly, taking a defensive driving course would make me both a better
and safer driver.