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Driver Education Initiative – Providing Safe Driving Habits Might Make the Roads Safer for Everyone

Name: Noah Niklas Wind
From: San Jose, CA
Votes: 0

Drivers ed Initiative – Providing Safe Driving Habits Might
Make the Roads Safer for Everyone

My name is Noah Niklas
Wind and I am an international student majoring in chemical
engineering at San Jose State University. When I first got a chance
to obtain a driver’s license at the age of 16, I grasped the
opportunity to learn how to ride a motorcycle at my dad’s driving
school. In my home country Germany, it is mandatory for any person
that wants to obtain a driver license to go through a driving school
regardless of age. There are mandatory theoretical and practical
parts to the courses which focus on safety guidelines and becoming a
responsible driver. Because I had the privilege of being a driving
instructor’s son, I seized the chance of obtaining every driver’s
license I was eligible for which showed me the importance of the
material discussed through reinforcement. It led me to believe that
explaining the potential risks of driving to new drivers and
introducing them to safe vehicle operation practices like storing
heavy materials in a non-hazardous way and keeping condition-based
safety distance to other vehicles is of uttermost importance to
ensure a safe driving environment for everyone. Teaching basic
knowledge like this to potential drivers might prevent dangerous and
maybe even life-threatening situations.
On my birthday four
years ago, my friend was driving me home after a dinner. It had been
raining and she had just recently obtained her driver license. She
wasn’t aware of the dangers of taking sharp turns in slippery
conditions and when we merged onto the highway on-ramp she lost
control of her car and we crashed into the barriers on the side of
the road. While she was barely hurt, I had injured my shoulder from
the crash which left me in pain for a few weeks. While we were both
very lucky, I believe if she had been taught that you are not
supposed to harshly steer while you are slipping on water, she
could’ve prevented the accident entirely.
While I think that
attending a driving school is hardly enforceable for every applicant
who wants to obtain a driver license, I believe that there are other
ways to teach safer driving habits. By running ad campaigns online,
on the television, and on the radio and subsidizing optional courses
that stress the importance of safe driving and making them accessible
for every applicant of a driver license, I believe that safer driving
habits can be conveyed to the public and make the roads safer for