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Round 3 – The Importance of Drivers Education

Name: Jeanell Allicock
From: Baytown, TX
Votes: 0

The Importance of Drivers Education

When it comes to driving on the road, you must remember that we are not just driving for ourselves, but for others too. Considering the plethora of individuals in which we share the roads with, we must maintain our due diligence in operating our vehicles safely, complying to standard traffic procedures, and taking driver education seriously.

The importance of driver education is to ensure safe driving on the road, protection for the pedestrians, and to ultimately prevent loss of life. There are at least 40,000 deaths related to driving each year, and it is not always due to drunkenness as commonly perceived. This is where driver’s ed serves its purpose. Through lessons relating to traffic laws , driving courses educate us, not only on the driving etiquette we commonly come across, but we also learn of miniscule procedures that can make a big difference on the road. One example would be the median we see every day; common logic tells us to stick to the side closest to the driver when in fact that method can impede you from seeing incoming traffic, thus leaving room for accidents.

One way that we can reduce the number of deaths can be accomplished through a state mandated refresher course or overview class every time driver’s license renewals are due. This may aggravate drivers, but the numbers would speak for themselves. Similarly, in the construction industry, heavy equipment operators are advised to take an overview course every time they wish to renew their certifications. There are many differences between running a crane and driving down the freeway, but the number of variables are close. With the number of traffic laws changing every few years, this would help drivers of all ages.

I have had a firsthand experience with an accident due to driver error. As My partner pulled out of our apartment complex , we were rammed into by another driver speeding at 60 mph in a 40-mph street. One of the more saddening parts is that even though the driver was speeding, it was still the error of my partner that caused the collision. He did not remember that as a driver it is imperative that you go only when you are sure it is clear, not when you think you can make it. The other driver was wrong as well but, in the end, it is our responsibility as drivers to realize our mistakes and grow from them.

For me personally, I can continually improve as a driver by watching a few videos every so often to refresh my understanding of traffic procedures. I can use those close calls on the road and learn from them, rather than dwell on them. It hurts only me to think of myself as the best driver on the road, and I think everyone can benefit from letting go of that dreaded road rage that plagues us all. By continuously engaging in these practices, we can cut the number of casualties on the road in half.