Name: Chantal S. Carrillo-Ferreyra
From: Durham, North Carolina
Votes: 8251
“Better drivers,
better lives”
As we become
teenagers, learning how to drive is by far the most exciting thing.
The problem is, we are so fascinated by the new experiences driving
will bring us, rather than focusing on the implications it’ll have.
If more people had conscience about how their actions behind the
wheel affects others, there would be less deaths due to car
technology has a huge influence in people’s lives. Recording videos
for Snapchat, taking an Instagram picture, or updating your Facebook
status; we do this regardless of where we are. It is known that many
deaths while driving happen because of the bad use of cellular
devices. Laws that help prevent car accidents and punish those who
cause them have always existed, and have not been entirely
successful; which is why I believe we can reduce the number of deaths
by implementing new settings on the apps mentioned above. If devices
such as iPhone and Samsung have created a “Do Not Disturb While
Driving Mode” many apps can implement a similar setting that would
not let users utilize the app while driving. Drivers not being able
to utilize their favorite apps while driving will reduce the number
of distractions on the road, therefore, less deaths will occur.
Fortunately, I have never been in a car accident; however I have seen
many people driving irresponsibly while being the passenger or a
spectator. In many occasions, while the driver is speeding and is not
entirely conscious of what he’s doing, I fear for my life. I have
seen how many people end up after a car accident, and those are the
first thoughts I have when I know that the way the driver is driving
is not safe.
There are many things I can do to help myself and others
to drive in a safer way. Some of them are making people aware of what
the consequences are, not just by telling them a story of another
person, but by letting others whose life was affected by a car
accident tell their own story. Avoiding the use of cell phones and
other things that might distract you from the road. Making sure of
knowing the rules when driving and constantly check the speed limit
on the road. Making people aware of the mistakes they make when
driving, it is better to prevent rather than to regret an accident.
Become aware, implement knowledge, and pass it to others; repeating
this cycle will help save the lives of many people.