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If You Could See The Consequences

Name: Destiny Shipp
From: Hanscom AFB, MA
Votes: 0

You Could See The Consequences

you could see the consequences of your choices, what would you do?
Getting a driver’s license can be liberating. No more asking for
rides or having to walk places, because the wheel is now in your
hands. Music blasting, cruising full speed and cell phone in hand,
you are fearless. But when you realize the leading causes of car
accidents and deaths happen for exactly these reasons, it is scary.
The problem is, you’re properly taught to drive safely on the
streets in driving school. But after driving long enough, people get
complacent with breaking rules until it puts them in a situation
where they aren’t safe. A solution to this problem is educating
drivers ed. The importance of drivers ed is to make sure
that you are fully educated on rules and road safety before you
start. It also serves the same purpose as school, the information
you’re given sticks with you as you’ll eventually have to use it
when you drive. It also teaches you how to handle different
situations that’ll occur on the road.

I was very young, I was involved in a car accident. A woman who made
the decision to recklessly go over the speed limit and run a red
light not only put herself in danger, but four other vehicles
(including mines). She crashed into our car, which caused us to hit
the back of the vehicle in front of us. This caused a chain reaction
into another car. My mother, who had just gotten stomach hernia
surgery, had lurched forward which ripped her stitches. She ended up
having to undergo surgery again to fix it. Though there were no
deaths in this accident, speeding is still the second common cause of
car accidents, right behind distracted driving. If the woman who
caused the accident was educated on this fact, the situation could
have been avoided.

we can reduce driving deaths could be more than just informing others
to be safe, but to follow these principles ourselves. Tell a driver
to put their cell phone down while driving, so they can drive fully
attentive. Obey the speed limits so you have enough time to slow
down. Don’t make reckless choices when behind the wheel. All of these
steps could ultimately reduce the number of deaths from car accidents
due to reckless decisions. I say we should all think of the
consequences of making mistakes on the road before we make them.
Because in the end, you never know who will end up facing them other
than yourself.